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Welcome to the Bartimaeus
Resource CentreFor the Visually

Welcome to the Bartimaeus
Resource CentreFor the Visually


The age of our students varies between 18 to 28, both young men and young women. The maximum number we can teach is 30 and our present accommodation can only cater for 12 men and 12 women at the most. Other students attend daily from outside.

Because most of our students come from rural farms and villages in Karnataka, Andra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu, we provide accommodation and meals in a flat with a housemother to care for them. This is all offered free of charge, but students are expected to help with some of the basic jobs like cleaning the floors, washing their food vessels, preparing some of the food and shopping at local stores. They each do their own personal washing and generally help to keep everywhere clean and tidy.

A happy family atmosphere is encouraged and we occasionally indulge in outings, picnics and birthday celebrations. It is always sad to say ‘goodbye’, as we see them into the next stage of their lives.

Our Current Students