lessphp fatal error: expecting number: failed at `; ` /home/bartimae/public_html/wp-content/themes/theme46732/bootstrap/less/bootstrap.less on line 15 Tags Sighted Assistant Archive | Bartimaeus for the Blind

Welcome to the Bartimaeus
Resource CentreFor the Visually

Welcome to the Bartimaeus
Resource CentreFor the Visually

Portfolio Tag: Sighted Assistant


Mary and Veena are both sighted assistants, trained in Braille and computer, who give greatly needed practical help to the students, and keep the necessary records of attendance, progress, files and petty cash.
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Veena is a sighted assistants, trained in Braille and computer, who gives greatly needed practical help to the students, and keeps the necessary records of attendance, progress, files and petty cash.
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