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Welcome to the Bartimaeus
Resource CentreFor the Visually

Welcome to the Bartimaeus
Resource CentreFor the Visually

Portfolio Category: Featured Student


Now employed in a government school as a teacher. Has also represented India in an international marathon in Thailand. See more information here.  
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Jagdish (Ramnagar)

After his graduation in 2018, Jagdish has been employed by the Bal Gagandharnath Swamji, Blind school in Ramanagar, Mysore District. He teaches Kannada, Hindi, Political Science and English. Also does a weekly radio program for the visually impaired.
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Shivanna after completion of his degree in Bachelor of Arts in his home town, Hassan. He was not confident in being on his own to take up this training at Bartimaeus. However following six months learning mobility and daily life skills, he is able to travel to his village on his own. He shows keen…
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Three Bartimaeus students Bandenwas, Umesh and Nagendra went on a short 2 week course appling for jobs, writing CVs etc. at Enable INDIA. In the second week they heard that they heard there might be a job with Vodaphone in a call centre. So as friends they shared the information and all applied with the…
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