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Welcome to the Bartimaeus
Resource CentreFor the Visually

Welcome to the Bartimaeus
Resource CentreFor the Visually

Nalini Jo

Nalini Jo our English teacher, lost her sight after an accident in 1998. While travelling on a bus, a suitcase fell on her head and this caused her loss of sight. She is a very capable young lady, she already had an MA in English Literature and has added Computer skills to her abilities, she is eminently employable for a well-paid job in the IT section. But after a years training she had decided to join us, initially as a volunteer.

She is also a born organizer and has been very much involved with all the functions at Bartimaeus during her time with us. She is very dedicated to her work, and does a lot of local fund raising. The students vibe well with her, as she can think on their level.

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