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Welcome to the Bartimaeus
Resource CentreFor the Visually

Welcome to the Bartimaeus
Resource CentreFor the Visually


Three Bartimaeus students Bandenwas, Umesh and Nagendra went on a short 2 week course appling for jobs, writing CVs etc. at Enable INDIA. In the second week they heard that they heard there might be a job with Vodaphone in a call centre. So as friends they shared the information and all applied with the Idea that may the best man win.

All three got a letter asking them for interview, and to their great surprise they all got a job at the same place.

Subba, our house parent, took them for interview on the bus and was there when the good news broke; he had done his homework and had already asked around some of his contacts if there were any local flats to rent. One land lord wanted Rs 4000/month for a little place close by; Subba talked her down to Rs3000 so they could pay Rs1000 each which was possible out of a wage of Rs6500/month.

It looks like a year’s hard work for these three has paid off and they have found a place in society with independent living and employment.

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